本帖Z后由 三颗黄豆 于 2011-12-19 11:18 编辑
As we all know, love is the crux of a happy life.
Love helps us stay calm and serene even when things are tough.
It can carry us through the hard times.
Love looks for ways to be of service.
Love is enjoying the surprises of life,
and being totally delighted with what life gives you.
Love is the key to happiness
and it is a real blessing to others.
eople who love make the world a kind and gentle place and other people feel safe around them.
这次的情侣照出来的效果还蛮好的!我们都还蛮喜欢的 因为老公经常在外地 我们的合照好少为了弥补我的遗憾 他舍命陪我又照了一次 非常谢谢他!
本帖Z后由 三颗黄豆 于 2010-10-31 22:45 编辑 ]