前几天有个客户说2020的汝窑色像极了tiffany蓝,很有品味...我想说的是,客户有品位才能体现出2020产品的品位。以后要不要汝窑色就改名叫TIFFANY BLUE呢?
What is Tiffany Blue?
Tiffany Blue is a specific shade of light blue, very similar to robin’s egg blue.(之更鳥蛋) Tiffany Blue is a trademarked color of Tiffany & Co., which bears the same number (1837) on the Pantone Matching System (PMS) as the year Tiffany & Co. was founded. Tiffany Blue is so easily associated with Tiffany & Co. that their trademarked “little blue box” is instantly recognized and widely considered the premium presentation for fine jewelry.
蒂芙尼藍這種顏色經由蒂芙尼的經營已經成為女性心中Z優雅、Z幸福、Z浪漫的顏色,透過電影的宣傳以及本身的精緻工藝讓大家都期待自己的那顆蒂芙尼經典六角型戒指,而它會隨著Z甜美的蒂芙尼的小盒子來到我們身邊!那就實在太幸福啦!!!Tiffany Blue 幸福的顏色
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